2 News found

You searched for: sarre 2000
Angelino Zeller vs Sarre 2000, 8a+ footless at Tetto di Sarre
10/10/2023 - Climbing
Angelino Zeller vs sarre 2000, 8a+ footless at Tetto di Sarre
The video portrait of Austrian paraclimber Angelino Zeller whose ambitious goal is to climb sarre 2000 footless. This 8a+ located at Tetto di Sarre in Valle d'Aosta, Italy, was climbed without feet by Stefano Ghisolfi in 2014.
Tito Traversa, a summer and winter on the rise
01/02/2011 - Climbing
Tito Traversa, a summer and winter on the rise
A report of a summer and winter spent climbing by Tito Traversa who, aged nine, has now sent his first 8b, "Je est un autre" at Castillon (France)